Do you ever feel tired during the day and find it difficult to be productive? So you take a not-so-fast quick sleep, only to wake up still drowsy? Isn't it annoying when that happens: you're unable to complete any tasks; your supervisor doesn't let you off the hook and always reminds you of deadlines. It's frustrating, and yet most of us deal with it on a daily basis. You'll be surprised at how simple it is to conquer in just six steps.
Step 1: Get some rest. There is no other way to get enough sleep — at least 7 hours. Though you can't sleep during the normal hours thanks to your graveyard shift, try black out curtains and you'll still get a good night's sleep even if it's daylight.
Step 2: Make a Day Plan Okay! Let's get started! I'm going to crush it today! I'm on my way. Any moment now... and here I am... I'm simply sitting here thinking. Where do I begin again? Right, here's my to-do list. Now I remember. However, it does not appear to be that significant. It's been an hour of fidgeting and procrastination so far. Maybe I should take a step back and give my thoughts a chance to catch up. 3... 2... 1... *snore*.
As you can see, this is not unusual. It's easy to become bored when you're unsure of what to do next or when your next tasks don't seem to matter. Plan the rest of your day. If you truly believe that your time is valuable, implement a day-planning strategy. Allow me to explain the ABCDE planning system to you (Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy).
Label each activity with A, B, C, D, or E. A Tasks are ones that, if not completed, will have serious consequences. B is for those w have implications but are not as serious. C is for those that don't have consequences but are nice to have. D represents tasks that can be delegated, whereas E represents tasks that can be removed from your list.
This allows you to determine whether a task is worthwhile. If you decide that a task is not as vital, look for more useful tasks or add value to the task to make it more worthwhile and therefore less dull.
Step 3: Make use of your body's fuel reserves. Come. Bring yourself closer. Let me let you in on a little secret. If cockroaches can survive for a week without food, so can your body (I know, gross). Not for a week, but you can go for a day with only one meal and be astounded at how much more your mind has become alert and your energy up. That's not even the best part; your body has a mechanism for converting fats into energy. Don't scoff at me just yet; keep reading.
Yes, indeed! I'm aware! Isn't that amazing? It's the fitness equivalent of the Holy Grail. Wait, let me stop you right there before you make a reservation for a dinner buffet. There is a catch: you must first starve yourself. Do you want to know why? Let me explain.
As you can see, your body provides energy in two ways. The first is the conversion of carbohydrates (i.e. sugar) into energy (metabolism), and the second is the conversion of lipids into energy (ketosis). Ketosis is a state in which you lose fat by drawing on a newly discovered fuel reserve. However, the key to unlocking is what I will reveal with you in this phase.
First, skip breakfast and eat just when you get hungry; most of all, avoid carbohydrate snacks. Instead, enjoy a cup of coffee (without sugar) with plenty of whipped cream (yumm!). Then, for lunch, eat as many leafy vegetables as you like, followed by cheese and butter - anything that doesn't include carbohydrates. It still doesn't make sense? Alright, let's try that again.
Look at it this way. Your physique is built to survive in the forest during the natives' time. When the tribes were unlucky and could not find any boar for dinner, ketosis would kick in, allowing them to survive on fat storage for another day. However, as long as you have carbohydrates in your system, your body will continue to rely on metabolism and will not enter ketosis.
Step 4: Maintain your composure and make steady progress. Do you like to multitask? Are you pleased with yourself? Stop doing it. Multitasking is synonymous with distraction. Multitasking usually can overwhelm and make you feel overburdened then causes panic, which leads to fear, and fear causes paralysis, preventing you from accomplishing anything. Don't worry about giving up multitasking. A more powerful skill is in you. A skill that when mastered, can multiply your results boundlessly.
Focus. It is a muscle. Just like any muscle, concentration should be practiced. Plan each activity and work your way through it steadily, and you'll be astonished at how far you've come.
Step 5: Limber up. This is not limited to athletes (nor for a zombie apocalypse like Zombieland). Even if you are not preparing for a run or a rigorous activity, it is beneficial to get the blood flowing when you are fatigued or depleted.
Bonus Step: Burning Desire Reflect on your objectives and remind yourself of them. Make it a point to relive the emotions that got you pumped up when you initially started defining what you want in life on a daily basis. You may always be eager for the next day as long as you keep the passion alive!